Prolific filmmaker Mukesh Bhatt recently commented that 'Jannat 2' is one of their biggest 'masala' films till date and comes with an immense entertainment quotient. Though one started wondering whether this Emraan Hashmi starrer would join the likes of many other commercial massy films (read 'Ready', 'Singham', 'Bodyguard', 'Agneepath' to name a few) that have released in the recent times and turned out to be smash box office successes, director Kunal Deshmukh comes in it's defence and says that 'Jannat 2' would maintain it's own identity.
"Brand Mahesh Bhatt has certain characteristics to it and all us students are still learning and trying to adapt", says Kunal who has earlier made 'Jannat' and 'Tum Miley' for the makers, "When you watch a Bhatt film, you expect spine chilling moments, drama, wonderful music and some great performances. We won't be caught making mindless entertainment. In fact I or for that matter anyone working with Bhatts can ever make a full on 'masala' film. One of the examples that come to my mind is 'Ready'. Personally I have nothing against the film but sorry, I don't think I can do something like that."
Given the fact that both Emraan as well as Salman are considered as men for the masses, we look forward to how entertainment takes shape in 'Jannat 2'. Also starring Randeep Hooda in a crucial role, the film releases all over on 4th May.
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